Determination pays off - goes Live!
After 4 months in hibernation, Sunder, emerged from his den today with the launch of his very cool job hosting service catering specifically to fresh graduates and interns. On his last birthday he made a promise to have something to show for the year and true to form, he now does. Sunder is determination personified. Enough said about Sunder. Lets talk about I have been wanting to for 3 months now! :)
Most importantly, Sunder has already lined up employers such as Capital One, Georgia Dept of Transportation, RapLeaf, OPNet, EMG, Brownshoe and MulvannyG2. A few others are in the process of signing up. So when students sign in and post their details, they will already have someone eager to review their profiles and make the offer if their requirements are met.
Key Features:
- Employers can create job postings.
- Employers can tag their job postings. Employers can also select the auto-tag feature to automatically generate tags.
- Employers can search for candidates by University, Location, GPA, Tags, etc.
- Employers can schedule events such as recruiting campaigns or career fairs.
- Students can create their profiles and upload relevant documents.
- Students can tag their profiles. Students can also select the auto-tag feature to automatically generate tags.
- Students can search for jobs based on Location, Tags, etc.
- Students can sign up for events scheduled by Employers.
Overall, is a very practical web2.0 application focussed on a niche segment. What started off as a birthday resolution has resulted in a fun service and a fun company that is bound to grow. Sign up now!
Related Links:
- Link to GradsWanted
- Inside GradsWanted - How it works
- GradsWanted Blog
- Sunder's birthday resolution
- Some of his inspirations Ruby On Rails & Getting Real
Related Tags:, job hosting, service, web2.0, web 2.0, sunder